Saturday, June 9, 2012

Above the Fold Part 5 - Creating a Blog Web

Tips for Successful Blogging

Driving Traffic with Blogs 

 So one of the keys to my success with driving our site to the top for our designated keywords was building a series of expert Blogs based on industry specific topics and our keywords. We created these Blogs to be a resource on our primary desired topics, but we built them to provide content, but also to shape market ideas, and of course to drive traffic and leads to our site. They have become a primary referrer of targeted leads looking for our solutions, and also have a great following. Here are some tips in creating your own BLOG web:

  1.  Create valuable content. This is so important. You have probably seen attempts at BLOG webs that just fall short, appear cheesy, and way to sales focused. You want people to come back, follow and participate. Focus on key industry solutions, overviews, topical articles that can easily lead back to your site. 
  2.  Make sure you add links to similar content. Obviously you want links in articles to help users find your site, but also provide links to other sites/blogs with similar content. This will drive your BLOG up in rankings, and also make sure you focus on creating a valuable resource or portal for information.
  3. Post often. I try to create non-product posts in a 4 to 1 ratio to make sure the BLOG does not focus on any one topic. This allows me to inter-weave my company focused content with objective content. 4. Vary your posts. Blogs that are just static content are boring. You need to add pictures, polls, video, etc to engage your audience and have them "participate" in the discussion.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Above the Fold Part 4 - Aggressive Linking

Links to sites and blogs for SEO

Linking for SEO Results

Ok, so now that you have completed part 1-3, established keywords, focused on content and structure and checked your work, now the long arduous road begins:  linking.  Where and how?  Below is a quick guide to linking and what works:

  1. Blogs - If you have not put blogging into your daily routine, get it there.  When I say blogging, I not only mean writing your own posts, but also participating in discussions that surround your product and industry, and placing content specific links back to your site.  In part 5 I will discuss an overview of creating a blog network to help in this area.  If you already have a blog, create a links module with some of your core keywords back to specific site content.
  2. Press Releases - Most of the major press release houses now allow the creation of dedicated links, release embedded links as well as highlighted links within their interfaces.  This is a great way to get your information on the street, and also provide keyword-based links back to the site.
  3. Partners - in the business to business world, your partners can be a phenomenal linking resource.  Don't be shy about asking for specific keyword links back to your site to be placed on their web site.
The steps above cannot just be done once, you need to constantly link, and get others in your organization to participate.  The more the better.  Encourage employees to create their own blogs, and contextually link back to home base.